Season 2, Episode 26: “Breathing the Sky” — Climate Coping for Children and Adults with Leslie Davenport
image credit | Bethany Beck
Season 2, Episode 26: “Breathing the Sky” — Climate Coping for Children and Adults with Leslie Davenport
Panu and Thomas were joined by Leslie Davenport who discussed her 2017 book Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change, and recent All the Feelings Under the Sun designed for children. Leslie reflected on her background in dance and as a member of an interdisciplinary medical team and how this contributed to her focus on the body and creative visualization in her ecotherapy work.
Sindha Agha with Leslie Davenport How to Find Balance in the Midst of Climate Crisis | PBS Short Docs
PBS News Weekend: Climate change causing a sense of despair? Here are some ways to combat it
Climate Psychology Certificate at California Institute of Integral Studies
Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change: A Clinician's Guide
All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal With Climate Change
[The Climate Change and Happiness Transcript is on holiday.]